Wednesday 20 February 2008

Sanctimazificormaultus - Re-roller!

Zox.. erm Zoink (master forum troll) constantly mixes up my lvl 70 character names, in revenge for me calling him Zox all the time.

I decided to dedicate the first post in my new Tankadin blog to him and his random pick-me-up rants.
Zoink is like aids, once your guilded with him your stuck with him. When Tumbleweed disbanded and i joined Void he was already there waiting to greet me like a ninja.
I'm sure he'll find this blogg and make a somewhat lenghty rant, I find myself hoping for it.
I don't intend on re-rolling ever again (not even to a deathknight, yet i might level one for fun).
Anyway enough reminiscence, back to the nitty gritty work IRL.